Chicago Theatre Review
Bedfellows With Van Gogh
Strange Bedfellows Theatre’s Inventing Van Gogh
When you enter the space at City Lit for Inventing Van Gogh, you are greeted by paintings. Some seem to be replicas of Van Gogh’s work, others entirely original, and one was depicting the Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup. But it all has that signature Van Gogh style of chucky strokes of colorful paint applied almost rashly but upon stepping back, beautifully arranged to create a piece of art that almost moves. The painters live painting in the lobby are doing so in the style of Van Gogh, but it is difficult for them to capture that certain vibrant element that Van Gogh’s great works have. In the play it is called ‘The Glow’. If you have never seen a painting of Van Gogh’s, then it is easy to take that term as a bit haughty. In fact, if you are not the type of person who has ever studied art history or had an interest in why the impressionist are called that, then you can probably bow out now and see another play. However, for those of you who love a discussion on what art is and how it should reflect nature or the truth of a man’s life, then I expect you will appreciate this play.
Inventing Van Gogh is the story of a young artist named Patrick who has been commissioned to forge a rumored lost portrait of Van Gogh’s, not long after the death of Patrick’s beloved art teacher who was obsessed with finding said portrait. But it’s not entirely about that. It’s about the path of Van Gogh’s life and philosophy on art in some of those final prolific years of his life. But it’s not entirely about that either. This play is much like one of Van Gogh’s paintings, an impression of a life without portraying it exactly how it was. It instead uses pieces to create a whole, not all of them true to history. As Patrick tries in vain to begin forging a masterpiece, he sees visions of his dead teacher, Dr. Miller, as well as Van Gogh himself. These ‘visions’ come in and out of scenes without much warning, and often walk straight through Patrick’s scenes with other characters.
The production, directed by Aaron Henrickson, has all of the passion of an eager young artist without much of the refined technique of a master. There are some interesting choices that just don’t work in the space or the structure of the play. For example, when the subject of ‘The Glow’ comes up, the incandescent lights above the audience glow. This is an interesting idea but in such a small space and with quick talking characters, it was a little distracting and noticing it took me away from the action. Another misguided choice was to have the actors’ don accents when representing figures from Van Gogh’s life. As a means of maintaining an authenticity and identifying when an actor was playing a different character, not a bad idea. However, the accents were inconsistent and sometimes even muddled the dialogue. Now, the performance I saw was a preview, so while some of these elements may get worked out, some choices just didn’t seem to work for the space, or stretched the talent of the performers too far.
All of the performers brought an exciting energy to their roles. Riley Mcilveen, who played Van Gogh, has a frenzied intellect when postulating on art that one would expect of the famed painter. Adam Schulmerich played both an arrogant art authenticator in the present day storyline and the artist Paul Gauguin as a boisterous Frenchman lusty for life. While Schulmerich’s French accent wasn’t as good as his British, both performances were enjoyable to watch. By far the strongest actor was Christine Vrem-Ydstie, who plays Hallie, the daughter of Dr. Miller, and one of the women Van Gogh painted. Every time she walked onto the stage I was immediately draw into her scenes. The dialogue for Hallie was so sharp and precise, and Vrem-Ydstie delivered it exquisitely. Patrick Cameron who played the lead role of Patrick perhaps gave the weakest performance but his character was also quite strange, being one of the most passive and silent in the play.
Much of this play seems taken directly from the hundreds of letters Van Gogh wrote to his brother and other artists. The language is very elevated and sometimes it is odd that phrases written down in letters from over a hundred years ago are shouted out as dialogue. Much of the play felt more like an art history class, but some of the language outside of the historical text was really striking. The phrase that stuck with me long after I left the theatre was when Van Gogh the hallucination discovers Patrick knowledge about his many letters, he says, ‘What gives you the right to read my letters?’. He continues on to say that seeing a painting or reading letters doesn’t mean anyone knows him. It is a fascinating comment on how we judge not just history, but artists. All art is an attempt to understand the world and is an expression of the artist trying to share those thoughts with others.
Strange Bedfellows Theatre takes on a very ambitious play and does it’s best with it. It is not a perfectly written play and it is not a perfectly executed production. But perhaps the imperfections of an artist are how we are to understand their message.
Somewhat Recommended
Reviewed by Clare Kosinski
Strange Bedfellows Theatre’s Inventing Van Gogh
Presented August 3 – August 25 by City Lit Theatre, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, IL.
Tickets are available by visiting
Additional information about this and other area productions may be found at
The Monster You Love
Redtwist Theatre’s The Beautiful Dark
The Beautiful Dark is a world premiere written by Erik Gernand and directed by Josh Altman. It is performed at Redtwist Theatre’s quaint space in the Bryn Mawr Historic district of Edgewater. It is the story of a mother whose son comes home after being kicked out of school for writing a violent play. The troubled son, Jacob, concerns his family with depressed behavior, angry out bursts, and secret late night outings. This play studies the family dynamic when one child is seriously disturbed, to the point of potentially hurting others.
Read More‘Namosaur!
Scott Oken’s “‘Namosaur!” is exuberant nonsense. It is set in Vietnam in 1968 and follows a group of GIs led by Laura McKenzie’s ass-kicking CIA operative, Weaver, as they search the jungle for an evil genius bent on world domination. Dozens of movies are referenced; Bigfoot is involved, as is an EZ-Bake oven, and at one point there is an attack by several Woody Woodpecker clones. You get the idea.
Every other line feels re-purposed from a movie or TV show and cleverly bent to serve ‘Namosaur!’s giddy circus of a plot. It’s a pop culture mash-up written to amuse all those of us who grew up watching too much TV and re-watching too many movies. The cast energetically mugs to the audience and never lets a joke land un-winked at. Eric Roach as Professor Nguyen Nguyen (pronounced win-win, and constantly milked for eye-rolling laughs) chews all the scenery in sight and spits out his lines in a constantly morphing accent that would be distracting if everything else about the show wasn’t nuclear powered ridiculousness. Its jokes elicit groans as often as laughs, but ‘Namosaur! is so self-aware and referential that it has to be full of bad jokes to be itself. If you’ve ever enjoyed a b-movie, you will have a good time at this show. A couple drinks wouldn’t hurt either.
by Eric Tengler
‘Namosaur! by Scott Oken
Directed by Manny Tamayo
Presented by Factory Theater through August 31st
Factory Theater at the Prop Theater 3502 N Elston Ave
For more information on this and other shows, visit
More of a Gust than a Gale
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s name is synonymous with big, splashy, adult musical extravaganzas like “Phantom of the Opera,” “Evita” and “Sunset Boulevard;” however, he’s also known for children-oriented shows, such as “Joseph…Dreamcoat,” “Cats” and his recent adaptation of the film classic, “The Wizard of Oz.” His seldom-produced 1996 musical is in the latter category, contrasting children’s innocent faith with the hard-core suspicions found in adults.
A Greek Tragedy set in Pilsen
Victory Gardens Theater’s Mojada
Mojada is the story of an immigrant family who tries to make a new life in Chicago. It is the story of a woman who hopes only to be a true wife and mother. It is a story about ambition and what it takes to survive in America. Frankly, it’s just a good story. It is adapted from the Greek play Medea by Euripides by Luis Alfaro, who has also brought Greek adaptations to Victory Gardens before, with Oedipus el Rey and Electricidad. He has taken Medea and made it about the Latino community in Pilsen, and the hardships they deal with not only in getting to Chicago, but also with making everyday life manageable once they’re here.
This Bee is a Winner
At this years Scripps National Spelling Bee the winning word was Knaidel (a Jewish version of a dumpling). The winner was a 13 year old from New York. Being Jewish myself and having grown up eating Knaidels perhaps I could have won the bee and $30,000. But instead I was quite content seeing Theatre at the Centers 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. TATC is located in Munster, Indiana (a short drive from downtown Chicago.)
At this particular bee we are introduced to six students who have all become finalists. They all, for their own personal reasons are driven to be the one who finally wins the bee and the coveted trophy. Along the way we get to know some of the their quirkiness which makes them charming and endearing.
Read MoreThe Runaways presents… “doriantightredpantsXX”, an adaptation of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” set in modern day Bohemian Chicago
For the past eight weeks, we have participated in exercises exploring space, character, Wicker Park, and technology. Out of these exercises, our director, Olivia Lilley, has written a script. Using the theater and sound theories of Richard Schechner, Liz LeCompt, John Cage, and Butoh, we have found a multiplicity of unique languages cultivated for our production.
For us, “Dorian Gray” is all about the relationship between the private and the public and what happens when the line between them blurs. Michael Jackson had first-hand experience with this. Justin Bieber is experiencing this right now. When your image, the legend others have created for you starts to become the only side of you, it’s easy to think you’re immortal, you’re invincible. So how do we keep all of our identities separate and distinct? This was a story we just had to tackle in “The Facebook era”.
The Runaways presents’ “doriantightredpantsXX” is running at “The Parlor”, (1434 N. Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60622) a performance storefront at the boarder of Wicker Park and Humboldt Park. Learn more about “The Parlor” @
The Runaways presents’
July 25th – August 11th
Performances are Thurs – Sun @ 8pm
Get your tickets here @
Check out our promo video:
“Meet Lord Henry”
“Say Yes” to Scott Gryder and His Cabaret
LIFE IS A CABARET! The Music and Words of Kander & Ebb
Last Saturday night the full audience in attendance of Roosevelt University’s cabaret series was bid “Wilkommen” and treated to the charismatic exuberance that is Scott Gryder and his one-man cabaret, “LIFE IS A CABARET! The Music and Words of Kander & Ebb” accompanied by Nick Sula on piano and Phil Martin on drums. The show is a 50th anniversary tribute to the songwriters known for Broadway hits like Chicago, Kiss of the Spiderwoman, and many more.
Broadway Play House Till Aug 4th
Reviewed By Frank Meccia
Chicago Theatre Review
Back in 1979 at the old Chicago Stadium for 2 days there were a group from England/ Australia that were making hit after hit for years. I got to see them finally after having at least 4 of there albums. (For those under 30 it’s now called a CD )They had a 70’s style disco set up and their music was wonderful, even though the sound quality back then was simple and loud. 34 years later a remastered group of talented actors and musicians have recreated that sound and style as a tribute band to the Bee Gees. Over the last several years we have had tribute plays to great actors and bands; The buddy Holly Story, Million Dollar Quartet, Rain, all which made you feel that you were at a great concert. But tonight was different, I really felt I was at a more intimate concert with the Bee Gees. This trio has played all over Europe and have been to Vegas, and other cities across America. And you can tell by the way they use their walk, they have this show down pat.
The members of the Chicago cast include California based Matt Boldoni as Barry Gibbs, and Australian natives Paul Lines as Robin and Jack Leftley as Maurice.
A true retrospective of their 40 year history, with great costume changes and looks. These guys did the job, there mannerisms, voices and style mimicked the great Bee Gees, as evident by the way the audience was up and dancing during the show.
If you missed going to a real Bee Gees concert, then get down to Chicago Broadway Playhouse and see the “Australian Bee Gees” for 2 hours and 20 minutes you will relive some great music from the 70’s 80’s and 90’s.
Kokandy Productions presents The Last Five Years
Kokandy Productions proudly presents the musical “The Last Five Years”, August 2 through 25 at Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont Ave. Traditionally, “The Last Five Years” is performed by two actors accompanied by musicians; the Kokandy Productions concept has cast Jim DeSelm and Allison Hendrix to portray Jamie and Catherine respectively as well as accompany their performance on two pianos. John D. Glover directs, DeSelm and Hendrix are co-musical directors and K. Hannah Friedman serves as assistant director. Tickets are $32 and are available at or by calling 773-974-8150. For additional information visit