Chicago Theatre Review

Reviews Category

When Life Becomes Virtual

February 10, 2021 Comments Off on When Life Becomes Virtual

Here Lies Henry – Interrobang Theatre

A young man named Henry enters an empty stage and, after some awkward false starts, begins to unspool a variety of mixed   information for his audience. The title doesn’t refer to Henry’s physical position; it’s a reference to the lies that he’s about to share with his audience. Dressed in suspenders, bow tie and a summer-weight sport coat, skilled actor Scott Sawa sets out to deliver his character’s circular treatise on life, love and letting go.

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Infinite Possibilities

February 6, 2021 Comments Off on Infinite Possibilities

Constellations — Theater Above the Law

Constellations, a play by British playwright Nick Payne that first premiered in 2012, is about two people in a relationship. Or not. The play cycles through dozens of glimpses into the life of the couple, some overlapping, some contradictory. The same moment, such as the first time they meet or the last fight they have, is portrayed multiple times subtly shifting the tone or even the outcome.

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Bringing Tinkerbell and Theatre to Life

December 21, 2020 Comments Off on Bringing Tinkerbell and Theatre to Life

Peter Pan – A Musical Adventure – Chicago Shakespeare Theatre

A little bit of faith, a modicum of trust and a generous sprinkling of pixie dust make this delightful holiday production soar up to the heavens. Spectacular and magical, this truly imaginative production for young audiences is a beautifully-wrapped theatrical gift. Chicago Shakespeare’s excellent production, filmed two summers ago before a live audience, is now the perfect Christmas confection. Directed and choreographed with spirit and creativity by the incomparable Amber Mak, she infuses her own special charm into this enchanting musical adventure. Elliot Davis based his original adaptation upon a book by Willis Hall. The musical features a pop score by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe that’s sure to charm every audience member, young and young at heart. Under the impressive musical direction of Kory Danielson, this wonderful work of whimsy definitely takes wing.

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Dickens Tale for New Years Eve

December 14, 2020 Comments Off on Dickens Tale for New Years Eve

The Chimes – Remy Bumppo Theatre Company

Toby “Trotty” Veck, a poor British public messenger in Victorian London, works hard to put bread on his table and a roof over his head. Depressed by newspaper accounts of all the crime and immorality among London’s lower classes, Trotty seeks solace by working diligently, as the year 1844 draws to a close. In spite of running into his daughter Meg, who’s brought him a hot dinner to enjoy during his break, and her fiancee, Richard, Trotty’s brought down even further by the remarks made by some upper class gentlemen. Pompous Alderman Cute and his two companions comment about the low lives of the poor. In doing so, they make Trotty, Meg and Richard feel hopeless, as if they hadn’t even the right to exist.

Upon hearing the bells tolling later that night, a suicidal Trotty is drawn to climb the church tower. There the old man encounters the spirits of the bells and their goblin attendants. They scold him for losing faith in humanity. To teach Trotty a lesson, they offer him a look at how beak his loved ones’ lives would become, if not for his continual love and encouragement. Much like Scrooge, Trotty wakes up in his own home, as the chimes ring in the New Year. As in “A Christmas Carol,” Trotty Veck comes to understand the value of savoring living in the present and offering help to those less fortunate than him, whenever possible. This is the means for assuring a brighter future for his family, friends and everyone around him.What Charles Dickens did for Christmas with his popular novella, “A Christmas Carol,” this second, in a series of of five holiday morality stories, does for New Years Eve. Both books contain strong social messages and, with the way 2020 has gone, Artistic Director Nick Sandys felt this was a perfect offering for today’s audiences. Mr. Sandys not only adapted Dickens’ work, he plays all the roles, delivering his well-rehearsed performance while sitting in the suggestion of a Victorian parlor. Bedecked in period garb, Nick’s one-man presentation is absolutely flawless. He IS Charles Dickens, the popular writer and showman, giving a public reading of his newly-published story. During the course of this 100-minute production, Mr. Sandys plays both narrator and a variety of other roles, making each character three-dimensional, with just a slight change in dialect, vocal quality and posture.

This magnificent, polished production is, understandably, more talk than action. But, it allows the viewer to use his own imagination as he joins Nick Sandys in creating images and painting pictures with Dickens’ words. The play is nicely stage managed by Mara Sagal and Ian Frank works a special magic as Video Editor. While the production takes place entirely in a single location, the lovely English sitting room is perfectly appropriate. Sound effects, evocative background music and unique lighting all help indicate mood and locale. All-in-all, this excellent one-man performance is another perfect production by one of Chicago’s finest theatres.    

Highly Recommended

Reviewed by Colin Douglas

Presented December 7-January 3 by Remy Bumppo Theatre Company, available for on-demand streaming.

Tickets are available by calling 773-244-8119 or by going to

Additional information about this and other area productions can be found by visiting

A Remarkable Scrooge for Today

December 10, 2020 Comments Off on A Remarkable Scrooge for Today

A One-Man Christmas Carol – Writers Theatre

In what must be described as a tour-de-force performance, Michael Halberstam creates an exquisite, solo presentation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” With a lifetime of well-honed talent, an authentic British accent and absolutely perfect diction, Mr. Halberstam’s powerful voice effectively paints portraits and panoramas of Victorian splendor. And he accomplishes all of this exclusively with Dickens’ own words. Adapted by the actor himself, this abridged, 70-minute production is breathtaking. It’s filled with drama, poignance and a few unexpected moments of humor. The production is part of the Theatre’s holiday double bill, “Two Scrooges: A Christmas Carol Two Ways,” offering Manual Cinema’s multimedia “Christmas Carol,” along with this extraordinary, one-man performance.

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A Virtual Folktale Retold

December 7, 2020 Comments Off on A Virtual Folktale Retold

Hershel & the Hanukkah Goblins – Strawdog Theatre

For the past two seasons, Strawdog Theatre has presented a special family holiday offering that’s aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at the Jewish community. Experienced live, the 60-minute Hanukkah-themed children’s play was always entertaining, educational and because it was based upon a book, it even promoted reading. The show was delightful. It was filled with kid-friendly riddles, songs, simple dances, games and all sorts of interactive fun for both the children and their parents. They even provided printed puzzles and coloring sheets for the kids to work on before the play, or to take along home with them as a souvenir of their experience.

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Another Blast From Christmas Past

December 7, 2020 Comments Off on Another Blast From Christmas Past

The Rip Nelson Holiday Quarantine Special – Hell in a Handbag

For those of us who’ve looked forward to the Fat Man in the Red Suit since the 1950’s, the Christmas season has always meant a myriad of televised holiday variety shows. Each TV special always starred some has-been comedian or washed-up movie star, ably supported by an array of popular, talented  entertainers of the day. Playwright and iconic actor David Cerda has revived his fictional funnyman from a few years back. Rip Nelson, beautifully portrayed again by the luminous Ed Jones, returns  for his third holiday TV special. This one, because of the pandemic, feels absolutely authentic because it’s being streamed to our television, tablet or computer screen. And the way Cerda has incorporated Covid-19 as part of the plot is clever and spot-on. The result is a professional and highly entertaining adult Christmas musical that’s another blast from the past.

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It’s the Final Countdown

December 7, 2020 Comments Off on It’s the Final Countdown

Burning Bluebeard – The Ruffians and Porchlight Theatre

Sending in the clowns to tell this horrific, nearly forgotten incident from Chicago’s history, the Ruffians’ production is definitely not your typical Christmas entertainment. It’s a dark, expressionistic retelling of the events surrounding the fire that destroyed the Loop’s “absolutely fireproof” Iroquois Theatre. In fact, the only holiday element of the story is the December date during which  the tragedy took place. But it’s a production that’s sometimes humorous and often quite beautiful in its poetic, dramatic presentation. 

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A Scrooge for Today’s New Normal

December 4, 2020 Comments Off on A Scrooge for Today’s New Normal

Manuel Cinema’s Christmas Carol

Here we are, still in the depths of a worldwide pandemic that’s put a damper on our usual Christmas festivities and prohibited our typical social gatherings. The spread of the disease has demanded that, to protect ourselves and others, we continually  wash our hands, keep six feet apart and wear surgical masks, when we’re out and about. The result is that the majority of us are remaining quarantined in our own homes. This is the new normal for this holiday season. But Manual Cinema, the creative theatrical/multimedia company that brought us their unique interpretation of “Frankenstein” at the Court Theatre, just a year ago, has devised a clever, imaginative, contemporary new version of the world’s favorite holiday story.

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The Return of a Holiday Fairy Tale

December 3, 2020 Comments Off on The Return of a Holiday Fairy Tale

The Steadfast Tin Soldier Lookingglass Theatre

For two seasons, Chicago’s highly-respected Lookingglass Theatre has presented Mary Zimmerman’s creative adaptation this charming, yet sad, holiday story, based upon the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale. This year, however, because of the  restrictions imposed by the pandemic, a previously filmed, live streamed presentation is available for the month of December, to enjoy in the safety and comfort of our homes. Here’s a true  theatrical treasure that’s perfect for the whole family, and a Christmas story that shouldn’t be missed.

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