Reviews Category
The Guest That Wouldn’t Leave
Jeffrey — Pride Arts
Before there was Covid-19 there was the AIDS epidemic. The virus infected thousands of gay men and women and decimated homosexual communities all over the world. However, there will be those watching this staged reading who weren’t even born until after this particular plague had been brought under control. Most young people won’t understand the full horror of this disease. The complications from AIDS sickened and eventually took the lives of so many innocent victims. But, without having lived through this era, some younger audiences won’t appreciate the bleak existence that a gay man tiptoed through, between 1981 and the mid-to-late 1990’s.
Read MoreBest Friends Forever
W.o.W – Theatre Above the Law
W.o.W. is the story of a pair of best friends at three different points in their lives: young teenagers getting ready for a party, young adults facing their first grown up decisions, and adults dealing with their consequences. The common thread is that each point the play finds them, they are all hiding out in a bathroom. The setting makes a certain about of sense. It is both obviously very private, but a place anyone who has gossiped with a friend at the mirror knows, a place where you can be open and vulnerable, too.
Read MoreA Hand Reaching Out in the Darkness
The Sound Inside – Goodman Theatre
Just as a cool glass of water slakes our thirst on a hot summer day, the Goodman Theatre has returned, quenching a need that audiences may have forgotten was missing. One of Chicago’s best-loved theatres has returned with a polished, new, live production. And it’s not simply a streamed version of an old presentation: it’s all-new and first-rate. In the premiere of Goodman’s series of live, televised productions, we have three great, new scripts brought to life in fully-produced, live-acted presentations. After more than a year, audiences are finally going to be able to replenish their souls and intellects with another superior Goodman production.
Read MoreSlam Dunk the Junk
Goods – Artemisia Theatre
In the not-so-distant future, the world that playwright Lauren Ferebee paints is a pretty dismal place. Climate change and pollution have grown out of control. There’s practically no land left on earth because the oceans have flooded most of the coastal cities, air temperatures are unpredictable and the planet is overrun with trash and litter. Refugee arrivals are still a problem and there doesn’t seem to be any solution. It’s 2100 and Marla and Sam, two interplanetary astronaut employees, are returning from their latest mission. They’re garbage collectors, whose job it is to slam dunk the junk from earth and deposit it somewhere in outer space.
Read MoreGay Youth and Conservative Religion
Southern Baptist Sissies – PrideArts
Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to put a damper on everyone’s lives, forcing people to stay safe inside their homes, instead of going out for any reason. But smart, creative theatres have found a way to keep presenting their work to interested audiences. Chicago’s PrideArts, for example, has been offering a series of staged play readings as one-night-only viral productions. By special permission, I attended the final dress rehearsal, in order to review this viral production before the actual performance. Joe Hudson, who appeared in Bailiwick Repertory’s 2002 fully-staged production, directs this live Zoom presentation, featuring a cast of eight very talented actors.
Read MoreGame, Set, and Match
Last Match — Writers Theatre
When we watch an athlete we are admiring his skill, prowess and grace. We gasp at his agility and stamina; we’re only vaguely aware of how much this sportsman has trained, sacrificed and suffered to become the star of the playing field that we’re watching at this minute. But, as we observe and deeply internalize in Anna Ziegler’s extraordinary four-hander, there’s so much more to an athlete than merely what we watch during a game. It’s game, set and match…and so much more.
Read MoreNew York, Do You Care?
Island Song — 4 Chairs Theatre
For everyone, this past year has been difficult, at best. For the theatre, it’s eliminated live performances with actors on stage and living, breathing audiences in attendance. Alternatives to simply shutting their doors until the pandemic’s fully under control have been enhanced audio productions of plays or virtual productions, available for purchase on demand. The range of success found in these viral play presentations varies widely, from multicast dramas, that sort of resemble a Zoom meeting, to full productions that have been thoughtfully produced with some modicum of creativity.
Read MoreMoments of Painful Honesty and Humor
Call Me Elizabeth — Porchlight Music Theatre
It’s a late morning in May, 1961 when there’s a knock at the door of the Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow. Always the epitome of style and elegance, beautiful Elizabeth Taylor welcomes unseen writer and old friend, columnist Max Lerner. He has arrived to begin interviewing the actress for a planned biography. The next 70 minutes will provide the theatre audience with a candid, sometimes humorous and often painfully honest look at one of Hollywood’s biggest and most glamorous movie stars.
Read MoreHow the Pandemic Has Affected Us
How Do We Navigate Space? — Strawdog Theatre
Living in Chicagoland during the past year, as the Covid-19 pandemic drastically changed everyone’s lives, people of all ages were forced to think differently about their existence. This was particularly true within the last few months, during a winter that seemed never-ending. This beautiful, often unusually poignant and sometimes humorous mixture of film and live performance is a poetic depiction of almost everything that’s touched our hearts and souls during this stifling quarantine.
Read MoreA Shakespearean Send-Up
Out, Darn Spot — Hell in a Handbag
In a departure from Hell in a Handbag’s familiar parodies, this latest viral offering is a send-up of a famous Shakespearean drama. The company is known primarily for scores of hilarious lampoons of satire-worthy films and TV shows, like their recent Golden Girl series. Artistic Director and actor extraordinaire, David Cerda, who usually writes, directs and stars in most of Handbag’s brilliant productions hands the reins over to one of the other company members, Tyler Anthony Smith. Taking a cue from Mr. Cerda, Smith not only writes this spoof of a women’s television talk show, but directs and stars in the play.
“Lady” Marcia Macbeth, the star of this mock TV show, opens this episode with the happy homemaker hostess greeting her audience, clad in a negligee dripping with blood. Supposedly this installment is a recently-discovered, lost, final episode of Marcia’s long-running lifestyle program for women, “I’m Not a Suppressed Homemaker.” She attempts to explain away all the gore by telling us that she just butchered some poultry, in order to make a chicken pie for her beloved husband, Mackers. Soon there’s a knock at the door and a face in the window: it’s her neighbor, famed author of Valley of the Dolls, Jacqueline Susann. It turns out that Tillie, her pet chicken is, coincidentally, missing!
As this episode of “…Homemaker” progresses, the audience begins to witness Lady Marcia slowly dissolving into a psychotic mess. She appears to be falling down a rabbit hole of confusion, while undergoing a series of mental breakdowns. These are evidenced by the Lady’s incoherent ramblings, her butchered quotes from “Macbeth,” and her non sequitur accounts of strange occurrences and happenings from the past. There’s also the fact that Lesley Gore, Marcia’s celebrated musical guest for today’s episode, has been kidnapped and is tied up in her basement. Then the high jinks ensue.
Tyler Anthony Smith’s original work lends itself well to the health and safely requirements imposed upon theatres during this pandemic. It’s a filmed television program, interspersed with original live commercials. It wisely, only occasionally, features more than one actor in a scene. The style of this viral production is much more surreal than Handbag’s other offerings. Because it has the hallucinatory quality of a fantastic dream, it often feels choppy and has difficulty holding the viewer’s attention. Perhaps if David Cerda, or another director not as close to the writing, had guided this production, it would’ve had more clarity. But because Mr. Smith is both playwright, director and the leading actor, there’s little chance for much artistic objectivity or distance.
That said, Tyler Anthony Smith’s portrayal of Marcia Macbeth is commanding, often terrifying and frequently quite funny. David Cerda’s Jacqueline Susann showcases his usual comedic campiness, making us wish his character played a bigger role in this story. There are cameo appearances by several other Hell in a Handbag favorites, such as the inimitable Ed Jones as Fish Stick Phil; the forcefully funny Caitlin Jackson as Lesley Gore; Ryan Oates as the precious pubescent Milk Boy; Sydney Genco as Wanda, hawking her Pre-Boiled Water; and David Lipschutz as a smarmy Charles Manson. Michael Rashid and Robert Williams provide delightful voiceover work as the Gellman Brothers and Marcia’s Cameraman. Kudos also go to Stephanie Shaw, for her videography and editing, assisted by Mr. Smith. And Dakota Hughes and Keith Ryan pull out all the stops with their creative makeup and wig designs.
This is another imaginative effort by one of Chicago’s fine storefront theatres to provide new, adult entertainment that can be enjoyed as we continue to quarantine at home, during this pandemic. Although the curtain time is listed as 8:00 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and 3:00 on Sundays, be sure to download the link fifteen minutes early. You won’t want to miss the humorous real commercials from the 1960’s. They’re guaranteed to provide some laughs and put viewers in the mood for this period comedy, that’s a real Shakespearean send-up.
Reviewed by Colin Douglas
Filmed and streamed via Vimeo February 12-March 21 by Hell in a Handbag Productions.
Tickets are available at
Additional information about this and other area productions can be found by visiting