Chicago Theatre Review

Reviews Category

Sacrificing Art for Love

October 3, 2022 Comments Off on Sacrificing Art for Love

Botticelli in the Fire – First Floor Theater

The Early Italian Renaissance artist, Sandro Botticelli, painted a wide range of portraits and religious subjects, particularly dozens of paintings of the Madonna and Child. However, ironically he’s more famous for his few majestic mythological works. Botticelli’s particularly revered for his enormous canvas entitled, “The Birth of Venus.” It depicts the completely nude, newly-born Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, arriving upon the shore while standing in a giant scallop shell. It is the story of Botticelli’s creation of this painting that inspired Jordan Tannahill to write this two-act play. The accomplished and much celebrated and awarded Millennial Canadian filmmaker, director, multidisciplinary artist and prolific playwright is also, like Botticelli, a controversial artist. In this way, Tannahill and Botticelli have something in common.

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So God Invented Mothers

October 3, 2022 Comments Off on So God Invented Mothers

Alma – American Blues Theater

It was said, by someone much wiser than myself, that because God couldn’t be everywhere he invented Mothers. And famed English author, Agatha Christie, once said that “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” This quotation perfectly capsulizes playwright Benjamin Benne’s new one-act play, now enjoying its World Premiere in Chicago. The plot involves a number of contemporary issues, but at its heart Benne’s drama is a warm and heartfelt story about the mutual love between a mother and her daughter.

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The Witch is Back Again

September 30, 2022 Comments Off on The Witch is Back Again

Wicked – Broadway in Chicago

“She’s dead!” belts the ensemble in the opening moments of this spectacular hit show, which happens to be the 5th longest-running musical in Broadway history. But then the production flashes backward in time, spinning the enchanting story of how the girl with the emerald green skin grew to become the Wicked Witch of the West. This polished, professional production returns to Chicago, filled with flashy visuals and fantastic performances, haunting music and terrific choreography. This superb production is most definitely worth the trip to Oz, whether it’s your first visit or, like me, your fifth. 

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Enlightenment Shining for All

September 26, 2022 Comments Off on Enlightenment Shining for All

Cabaret Zazou Presents Luminaire

In its world debut, a brand new production from Randolph Entertainment’s exciting Spiegeltent Zazou presentations, “Luminaire,” opens in Chicago with a fanfare of glittering, glossy opulence. A Luminaire is defined as someone wealthy in enlightenment and who shines that light brightly for all. And that’s precisely what this brilliant new production offers its audiences.

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Empathy and Honesty

September 19, 2022 Comments Off on Empathy and Honesty

St. Sebastian – Refracted Theatre Company

In a thought-provoking new work by playwright Andrew Kramer, New York’s Refracted Theatre Company bursts onto the Chicago scene as the Windy City’s newest stage company. In its mission statement, the theatre seeks, through its presentations, “to disrupt socially accepted narratives by telling the ‘other side of the story.’” It goes on to say that the plays it presents are centered upon empathy and humanity.

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It Takes a Woman

September 19, 2022 Comments Off on It Takes a Woman

Hello Dolly – Marriott Theatre

“Isn’t the world full of wonderful things?” gushes Cornelius Hackl during his lovely, romantic ballad, “It Only Takes a Moment.” It’s this wide-eyed wonder and unbridled joie de vivre that Jerry Herman celebrates in this buoyant, bon bon of a musical. The story pays tribute to all the adventures we experience, both simple and great. It wallows in every wonderful moment that life has to offer. It’s also a tribute to the effervescence of love that makes the world go round.

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God, That’s Good!

September 19, 2022 Comments Off on God, That’s Good!

Sweeney Todd – Kokandy Productions

Just in time for Halloween, Attend the Tale of Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, a horrifying story of revenge and obsession, and set to the music of one of Broadway’s most magnificent scores. But for audiences already familiar with Stephen Sondheim’s musical masterpiece, director Derek Van Barham’s unpretentious new production may startle a bit—actually, in more ways than one. For this presentation, creatively staged in the downstairs Studio space of the Chopin Theatre, he’s removed most of the familiar visuals that’ve always been associated with practically every production since the musical opened on Broadway. Gone are the silver razors, the profusion of stage blood, all the elaborate costumes and wigs, the actual meat pies and ale, and the special barber’s chair that delivers Sweeney’s victims down below to Mrs. Lovett’s bakehouse oven.    

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Don’t Feed the Plants!

September 19, 2022 Comments Off on Don’t Feed the Plants!

Little Shop of Horrors – Citadel Theatre

Under the superb creative guidance of director Matthew Silar and musical director Isabella Isherwood, Citadel Theatre has a bonafide hit to open their 2022-23 season. This company recently produced several wonderful productions, including the Jeff Award nominated drama, “Outside Mullingar” and a terrific production of the musical, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” This new production confirms Citadel as one of Chicagoland’s finest theaters. In this current campy and impressively produced presentation, all the humor, satire and wit radiates from this cult classic. Audiences already familiar with the musical, as well as those who are new to its hilarious, sci-fi love story, will be singing the praises of this show-stopping production.  

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Two for the Road

September 16, 2022 Comments Off on Two for the Road

The Garbologists – Northlight Theatre

A pair of the most unlikely coworkers imaginable are forced to serve together on a cold morning in New York City. They are refuse collectors, or “garbologists,” a term one of the characters arrives at during a stop at a local bar. This theatrical version of a Buddy Film pairs Marlowe, a pretty, African-American, Ivy League-educated woman, on her first day on the job; and Danny, a Caucasian, blue-collar good-ol’ boy, who considers himself an expert at the job, having been a garbageman for nine years. Together these two for the road ride through the frozen streets of the city, picking up other people’s junk and discarded items, to be carted off to the trash heaps in New Jersey.

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The First First Lady’s Fever Dream

September 13, 2022 Comments Off on The First First Lady’s Fever Dream

The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington – Steppenwolf Theatre

When the audience walks into Steppenwolf’s main stage theatre, they see a gorgeous Southern mansion, a plantation surrounded by fields of cotton plants. As the lights change, the manor house disappears and we find ourselves in the bedroom of Martha Washington, the first First Lady of America. She’s lying in her bed writhing and moaning in pain. She’s also being tormented by surrealistic fever dreams. In the next 90 minutes, we will share Miz Martha’s suffering as she is confronted by her slaves who are reminding her of a truth that she refuses to admit. The country’s first President, her late husband, George Washington, left explicit orders in his will that, upon the death of his wife, all of his slaves would be freed. However, even on her deathbed, Miz Martha Washington refuses to bow to her husband’s wishes. 

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