Chicago Theatre Review

Reviews Category

Timeline Theatre: It Takes Two

February 12, 2014 Comments Off on Timeline Theatre: It Takes Two

The How and the Why – Timeline Theatre

As much about the relationship between two women of different generations as it is about the challenges of being taken seriously in a male-dominated profession, Sarah Treem’s intriguing drama bristles with the tension of hidden secrets.

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Porchlight Theatre: This Joint is Jumpin’!

February 6, 2014 Comments Off on Porchlight Theatre: This Joint is Jumpin’!

Ain’t Misbehavin’

It may be bitter cold outside and the snowfall does seem endless, but inside what looks like the Cotton Club during the Harlem Renaissance (thanks to a very classy and practical set design by Jeffery D. Kmiec) the room is jumping hot.

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Fast and Furious Storytelling

February 1, 2014 Comments Off on Fast and Furious Storytelling

Sideshow Theatre Company presents The Golden Dragon

GoldenDragon-2The Golden Dragon knocks you off your feet faster than an order of Thai food extra hot. The play takes a surreptitious route to getting to its dark message, but when the production is done, you are left speechless. The story takes place around a restaurant called The Golden Dragon that serves Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese food.  The four restaurant employees are dealing with a recently hired Chinese boy whose tooth needs to be pulled out.  But around this central plot, there are multiple other story lines going on. There is a young couple who is unexpectedly pregnant, a couple who are breaking up, a pair of stewardesses eating dinner in The Golden Dragon, plus a few more characters. The ensemble cast bounces around inside characters like pinballs.   The whole production is only a little over an hour and all of the story threads come together almost violently by the ending.

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An Evening Alone with Your Thoughts

January 29, 2014 Comments Off on An Evening Alone with Your Thoughts

The Side Project Theatre Company presents Request Concert

At the Side Project Theatre in Roger’s Park is a show where the front of house staff starts off by telling you there will be no curtain call. The small black box theatre where you will see Request Concert efficiently uses all of the space it has, filling it with what looks like a studio apartment. The show begins without much warning as the audience lights dim and a woman enters the space. She feels very familiar, coming in from the cold Chicago winter and settling into her small home wearily after a long day. The entire play consists of this spinster, Ms. Rasch, going about her evening routine. The production is part of Side Project Theatre Company’s attempt to explore urban loneliness in conjunction with another play by the same writer entitled Through the Leaves. While at first watcingh a 40-something woman eat her dinner, wash dishes, and listen to the radio is a little difficult for a 21st century fast-paced audience to adjust to, by the end you really fell like you know Ms. Rasch, perhaps better than she knows herself.

Admittedly, this show may not be for everyone. It is a very intimate venture into a very lonely and sad woman’s life. It is also a wordless play, so it sometimes takes a bit of concentration not to let your mind wander. However, even when it does, that only makes you reflect more on how small and far between the joys in Ms. Rasch’s life are. Suddenly the act of treating yourself to cookies after dinner becomes a very special ritual. Meg Elliott, who plays Ms. Rasch, looks perhaps a little young for the role, but is very subtle and skilled in her portrayal of the character. From smoking a cigarette to folding a napkin, Elliott puts great care and meaning into every little action on stage. It is easy to sympathize with her character.

All of the elements of this production are very subtle. In the background, I thought I could hear the sound of cars and traffic. If the theatre wasn’t in quiet Roger’s Park, I would have just assumed it was the sound of Chicago. That environmental design and the compilation of songs playing on the radio’s “Request Concert Hour” were designed by Stephen Gawrit. The very livable and tiny studio apartment set was designed by Carolyn Voss, who even added running water to the set design. It’s funny how the continual drip of a real faucet can add to the ambiance of the moment. The entire production, much like Ms. Rasch herself, come together to form a very neat and tidy package.

Request Concert is certainly not like every play you are going to see in Chicago. It definitely feels like the production of a storefront theatre company, but is surprising in the risks Side Project Theatre Company chooses to take. However, even though the style of the production is inventive, the ending feels a little predictable. Essentially the message becomes: people who live alone in cities are lonely. It would be interesting to see a counter to this production, where a single woman living alone finds ways to make her life meaningful. There is certainly a truth and sadness to Request Concert, but perhaps there could be a brighter side to the urban lifestyle.


Reviewed by Clare Kosinski

Presented January 22-February 2 by The Side Project Theatre Company, 1439 West Jarvis Ave, Chicago.

Tickets are available by calling 773.340.0140 or by visiting their website

Additional information about this and other area productions can be found at

A Priceless, Peerless Production

January 28, 2014 Comments Off on A Priceless, Peerless Production

Mr. Chickee’s Funny Money

1151Imagine someone giving you a piece of currency that bares the likeness of African-American R&B singer James Brown, the initials HWMISB and the denomination of 1 followed by fifteen zeros. Your reaction would be much the same as 10-year-old Steven’s in this jubilant musical for the entire family, based on Christopher Paul Curtis‘ award-winning children’s novel of the same name. Not knowing what to call Mr. Chickee’s strange bill or whether or not it’s even real, Steven, the president of the FFD (Flint Future Detectives), sets out to solve this case. With the assistance of co-detectives Richelle and Russell, Mr. Chickee’s giant rag mop dog Zoopy and a little help from his parents, Steven discovers what is really valuable in life. Whether outwitting evil National Treasury Agent Fondoo, learning about the Godfather of Soul or recognizing who’s “My Best Friend,” this terrifically entertaining 60-minute musical is a must-see.

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Drury Lane Theater: A Monster of a Show

January 25, 2014 Comments Off on Drury Lane Theater: A Monster of a Show

Young Frankenstein

Amidst lightning and thunder Mel Brooks’ spoof of B-horror films opens–where else–at the gravesite of Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

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Redemption through Theatre

January 21, 2014 Comments Off on Redemption through Theatre

Our Country’s Good – Shattered Globe

Steve-Peebles-Kevin-Viol-and-Ben-Werling-in-Our-Countrys-Good_thumbIt’s been argued that theatre can be a humanizing force, for the audience but especially for its participants. Timberlake Wertenbaker’s 1990 play, based on Australian Thomas Keneally’s novel, The Playmaker, depicts the origins of Western civilization in Australia. During the 1780’s England began deporting its criminals, accompanied by a crew of Royal Marines, to a newly established penal colony in far off Sidney Bay, Australia. Ms. Wertenbaker’s play, inspired by journal accounts by the actual officers on this voyage, tells how Royal Governor Arthur Phillip appointed 2nd Lieutenant Ralph Clark to stage a play using some of the convicts, with the hopes that such an experience would civilize and rehabilitate these crude, violent men and women.

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A Thought Provoking Evening of Theatre

January 20, 2014 Comments Off on A Thought Provoking Evening of Theatre

eggStage Left Theatre Company presents A Day in the Death of Joe Egg

A Day in the Death of Joe Egg by Peter Nichols is the story of Brian and Sheila, a married couple who have grown cynical with their lives as the parents of a 10 year old girl with Cerebral Palsy. Their daughter Josephine, or Joe for short, is so disabled she does no more than moan and shake her arms.  During this day in the play, Brian teeters on the brink of making a life or death decision for his daughter. With some very dark comedic moments skillfully performed by the cast, this show creates an authentic environment to spark conversation about quality of life issues for the severely disabled.

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Back to the Golden Era

January 18, 2014 Comments Off on Back to the Golden Era

Mr. Shaw Goes to Hollywood

Shaw_4George Bernard Shaw and his lovely wife Charlotte have decided to stop at Hollywood’s MGM Studios for a luncheon meeting as part of their 1933 round-the-world tour. The day was apparently fraught with all kinds of difficulties, from their emergency airplane landing on Malibu Beach, hitching a harrowing ride with a young UCLA student and exchanging barbs, zingers and clever witticisms with John Barrymore, Ann Harding and Louis B. Mayer. The luncheon, hosted by William Randolph Hearst and his young actress/mistress Marion Davies, also included Clark Gable and Charlie Chaplin but neglected Shaw’s dietary requirements. GBS was a strict vegetarian and Miss Davies was hard-pressed to find a vegetable anywhere on the MGM lot; however, even though it was during Prohibition, there was plenty of bootleg booze flowing throughout the day.

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

January 14, 2014 Comments Off on Out of the Mouths of Babes

The Children’s Hour – Pride films and plays

UnknownKids should be believed unconditionally if and when they confide secrets to the adults they trust, right? In what would become her first hit play, Lillian Hellman examines the tragedy that results from a devastating secret and the subsequent gossip that follows. Ultimately it’s revealed that this secret is nothing more than a vindictive lie, but by then the damage has become irreversible.

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