Reviews Category
A Real Modern Family
The Humans- American Theatre Company
“Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays,” or so the song promises. Often, however, going home again or just getting together with your family for a special occasion,
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Rudolph, the Red-Hosed Reindeer – Hell In a Handbag
It’s difficult to believe but very exciting that David Cerda’s popular, gender-bending Christmas entertainment is now in its 17th year. With new cast members, some
Read MoreMagic For You To Find
Hansel and Gretel: A Wickedly Delicious Musical Treat – Emerald City Theatre and Broadway Playhouse
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm would be surprised at this new, updated, pop/rock musical version of one of their best-known folktales. Artistic Director Ernie Nolan has
Read MoreI Cannot Say His Name
The Testament of Mary – Victory Gardens Theatre
In one of the most riveting, emotionally charged performances to be experienced in this city, local actress Linda Reiter gives a tour de force that, upon the final curtain,
Read MoreAnother Shipload of Love
The Christmas Schooner – Mercury Theatre
Traditions, those legends, customs and beliefs handed down from generation to generation, provide the foundation for this beautifully written historical musical that has
Read MorePractically Perfect in Every Way
Mary Poppins – Paramount Arts Center
In 1934 P. L. Travers’ first literary success, which eventually spawned a series of sequels, soon became a favorite among both children and their parents. Thirty years later
Read MoreHaunted by Life
Shining City – Irish Theatre of Chicago
Three men and a young woman slowly come to understand that they’re each being haunted by their own private ghosts in Conor McPherson’s 2004 Tony nominated play.
Read MoreAn Angel Gets His Wings
It’s a Wonderful Life: a Live Radio Play – Brightside Theatre
The name George Bailey has become synonymous with Christmas, ever since Frank Capra’s holiday classic first began airing nonstop on TV during the 1980’s. Based upon
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A Christmas Carol – Goodman Theatre
This show is it.
This is what Christmas is all about in Chicago. The Grandaddy of all holiday productions, and the show that every other
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Lookingglass Alice – Lookingglass Theatre
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll, is famous for authoring two children’s classics, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. Dodgson was many things: a writer, a mathematician, a deacon in the Anglican Church, a
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