Chicago Theatre Review
Hair for the Ages
Hair burst on the scene in 1968 with music by Galt MacDermot and book and Lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado. It was a groundbreaking show complete with controversial topics, nudity, rock music, hippies, multiracial cast and anti war themes.

Fast forward 55 years and another sensational production is being performed at Skokie Theatre by Madkap Productions. The recipe for such a successful show lies in several things. The musical direction of Jeremy Ramey, direction by Derek Van Barham (fresh off his Jeff win for Kokandy’s production of Sweeny Todd) and of course this wildly talented cast who delivers the material with heart, soul and grit.
Before the show begins the cast is on stage singing and being quite playful. It is at that point that I knew I was in for quite a treat. But then Niki-Charisse Franco delivers the opening number of Aquarius with such passion it sets the tone for the next few hours of pure entertainment. Song after song this cast delivers in their singing and acting abilities. Joey Chelius as Claude had an intenseness that left me on the edge of my seat. Sam Hook was adorable as Woof and his love for Mick Jagger. Alexandria Neyhart as Sheila gave a sexy rendition of Easy to be Hard, and Julie Peterson and Bridget Martinez had voices that were quite powerful. Ben Isabel gave an adorable performance as Margaret Mead, always a fun number to watch. Sharaga D. Wasserman as Berger seems to have been born to play this role. Vocally he was a standout and equally as fun to watch his movements and timing.
The set was simple, some tie dye hangings, a few band members, quite a feel of being back in the 60’s. But there was nothing simple about this ensemble cast. This is one of my boyfriends favorite shows and we have seen several productions including the touring company. He felt this was the best one he had seen. I agree, the Skokie Theatre put together a production worthy of any that have come before it.
Highly Recommended
Reviewed by Gayle Kirshenbaum
For information on this show and their upcoming season visit
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