Chicago Theatre Review
Monster Jam 2019
Monster Jam 2019 is fun for the whole family. It’s a great adrenaline rush, without any real dangers. The way these massive machines can move, turn and fly thru the air is incredible. 8 trucks compete during many different events including the 2 wheel challenge, donut competition and they even bring out the ATVs to race.

Our family enjoys going every year, and each time they bring a new element to the mix. Can you bring your daughter!? Oh yeah!! All 3 of our girls love it. Our youngest, 3 years old, is even going to be a “monster truck driver when I grow up”.
Make sure to bring ear protection because the trucks are VERY loud, or they do sell truck tire ear-wear there. And if toy sit up close, don’t wear white, mud does fly!

Reviewed by Ashley Peter with a little help from Lorilei, Zoey and Kennedy.